How to select a unit in Royal Square

Royal Square is conveniently located to attract all other types of business due to the large influx of human traffic it attracts and also it is very easy to find staff and personnel. However, at the moment, there are no available units but one can easily log into their website online and keep track of when one becomes available.

Royal Square at Novena is a condo located on 264 Thomson Road in district D12 which is 0.1 km away from NS20. If you are new to Novena, a location map can easily be obtained on line by searching on google, or any other search engine available, the location map to Royal Square in Novena. The maps are easy to read and inteprate as they have clearly outliRoyal Square health cityned streets and roads and junctions that one can follow and find exactly where it is. It also does not hurt to ask, either the residents or your real estate developer. Royal Square Novena is a popular well known place in Singapore.

If you are a first time purchaser and receive the floor plans, the best way to envision the designs is to imagine that you are literally walking through the entry way. Envision how your furniture will best fit into the floor space, if the measurements of your furniture comply with the floorspace provided. Ask for help if you have to and make the measurements right there and then. Do not be shocked after purchase that your furniture do not fit as you will incur additional costs of whether to buy near furniture or terminating your lease before hand. Also, always consider the orientation of the unit on the floor plan. Does it get sufficient lighting? Will it be blocked by future buildings that might arise? Ask your developer to point out where your unit appears on the floor plan. Noise levels near elevators can be very high and frustrating especially at night when one is trying to sleep and the elevators are running throughout.. You should also be aware of the garbage shoot location. The sound of falling garbage can be very annoying especially if you want to purchase a unit on the lower floors.